We have just finished a week of early morning prayer. Prayer changes things!
Normally I need my sleep. To be along at the church at 05:30 is a challenge. Amazingly we were up before the alarm and during the day I survived at work without feeling particularly sleepy.
What I did find was that reading my Bible before the meeting was not an option. Only 1 day did I attend without doing so (the cat was sick that morning). When I did read the Word, there was always something relevant from the reading to set the tone, or provide a direction, into the morning meeting.
And this is France. So there was a breakfast together most mornings.
The time together was really good. So much so that the pastor announced 7am on Saturday, and 8am on Sunday to continue the prayer. This time the Saturday breakfast was announced. During the breakfast time, God continued to work on our relationships. Breakfast time is good too.
So now there are prayer meetings Saturdays and Sundays. We shall see how things change from these.
So what has changed?
Well for me there was a change in emphasis in the prayer topics (for those who were there). Noticeably there was more looking out at the needs of others rather than the needs of ourselves or our church friends.
And one man was particularly set free- he learned to dance. He told me afterwards that he had thought it foolish to do so, but with the joy of the Lord in him, he changed his mind and decided it was difficult not to!
One thing is for sure. A church needs to be changing, it's part of growth.
--Terry Westoby
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