Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Start

So most of you know that June and I are Christians, but I tend to refrain from "discussing" the church or our spiritual life on my otherwise secular space.

But there is a side of our lives that is not mentioned so it seams to me right to create this version of the blog. Those who wish to can read it, and others can catch up with us on the other blog.

It has been quite hard to come up with a blog title. Almost everything I could think of had be taken or was disallowed- even French versions! So I finally found that has not been taken.

1 God
1 Lord
1 Saviour
1 Baptism
1 Holy Spirit
1 way to heaven

It works for me and the above is true to the Christian message. If you agree, good. If not, please take it up with the one who said it - with God. You get there by prayer. I guarantee your honest prayer will be heard!

We are just back from a prayer night. This week is a week of early morning prayer.
Prayer makes a difference in us. You wont change Him!